Friday, August 14, 2020

Argumentative Essay about Animal Testing

Argumentative Essay about Animal Testing Argumentative essay is the type of academic assignment that allows students to express his opinion and persuade readers of it. Argumentative essay against animal testing is a complicated topic that requires research. The subject has been discussed for decades and there are a lot of examples of animals taken for experimenting with drugs or products. An assignment has to be unique as long as so many people have already expressed their thoughts. A writers task is to find an interesting angle and look at the topic from a fresh perspective. The core of animal testing argumentative essay is a description of how animals help to test various medications sold to people, what benefits and disadvantage it has, and whether it is morally acceptable in writers opinion. An assignment has to include examples of animals testing. Providing results of testing and evidence will make the paper look professional. The key element of writing a decent argumentative essay on the topic is to avoid getting very emotional. The audience may include people who do not care about animals, therefore, a sad story about poor animals that get tested and sometimes get harmed may sound distinctive. Connect emotionally with all readers and listeners. Including facts is another important detail. Also, a writer should remember that too much persuasion can prevent people from reading a paper. So, the assignment should be first of all interesting and informative. Structure of argumentative essay about animal testing you should use Animals for testing their reaction to drugs is a very wide topic. Therefore, a good essay requires a well-crafted and logical structure. Like any college paper, it should include introduction, body, and conclusion. A well-structured paper is easy to read. Students need to know how to format an essay to make it look professional. Lets take a closer look at all parts of an essay and see what each part should describe. Introduction. The first part of argumentative essay outline on animal testing. The first sentence should be a “catch”. Start with a question or quote because it always grabs readers’ attention and defines whether they want to continue reading or not. Provide background information so the readers understand that the topic is real and not just your fantasy. The background information is needed to answer the questions: “Why is it important?” “Who cares?” “Why is it a problem?” A thesis is what concludes introduction paragraph and sends readers to the biggest part of an essay that is the body where a writer gives detailed information on the topic and evaluates his own opinion. A thesis should clearly state an authors position on the subject. The main idea should also appear in other paragraphs to make readers remember the whole idea of an essay. Body. This is the largest part of an essay where a writer has to develop his argument and contradict the opponents view. One of the main tips on writing argumentative essay on animal testing is choosing a unique argument that a writer can prove and support with evidence. For example, a strong idea describes animal testing as a positive development in medicine which helps to create and provide new drugs for patients who suffer from serious illnesses. The refutation of the opponents opinion can be an explanation why human lives are more important than animal ones. A lot of people disagree with testing drugs and products such as cosmetics on animals and there are a lot of negative opinions regarding this issue. A strong contradiction may describe that animals do not have conscious this is why people are superior to animals. Some statistics prove that more people are willing to sacrifice animal lives in order to save human lives. Humans are the ones who study and develop projects, therefore, people work on saving animal lives. Without the human, a lot of animals would live on streets, had nothing to eat, and die from diseases. The body part has to include from two to three supporting evidence. This will allow you to prove that you have done profound research. Use statistics and quotation to prove your point. Do not be lazy to start a project in advance and make research. The more sources you review, the richer paper you will write. Make sure you have at least one day to learn more about the subject, come up with ideas for an essay, and look for information given by experts. The more time you devote to researching a topic, the better result you get. Conclusion. The last part of an essay requires a writer to achieve two goals. The first one restates the significance of the topic. Conclusion example of argumentative essay on animal testing can look this way: “Life cannot be perfect. Some have to give away to make something better. Animal testing should carry on as it provides significant results that benefit future lives of humans.” This concludes the whole paper and makes readers think about the outcome of your research. The conclusion should not be very opinionated because the audience may consist of people who totally support you and those who are just open-minded to read your thoughts. This was the standard format of argumentative essay on animal testing that can be modified up to your teacher requirements. Take notes during the research. Cite valuable sources. Do not forget to review the paper and make sure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes. If you have an opportunity to give your paper for someone to read, do it. There may be some errors that can be found and you may receive a good tip on improving your assignment. Five steps of writing the animal testing essay by yourself We decided to provide step-by-step essay writing guide. It should simplify the understanding of how to start the project and do not get frustrated if you do such a task for the first time. Read recommendations on how to write an argumentative essay on animal testing outline, where to look for ideas, what questions have to be answered, and how to create a thesis. Use any source of information that will give you ideas on creating a paper. Review books and magazines, take information from the Internet and search for ideas in books that are related to the topic of animal testing. Medical sources, statistics, and tests data will be the most helpful. Remember that an essay should answer three main questions: “Why is it important?” “What caused it?” and “What can we do about it?” Those questions will help you to come up with arguments and give supportive facts to make information valuable. Creating a thesis can be a difficult part of an essay. Regarding this topic, you may use the thesis that says “Animal testing helps to study the effects of substances”. Once the thesis is read, the readers will start questioning an authors view and even doubting it. Therefore, a writer should prepare many facts and statistics to prove that his idea is valuable. Follow the outline for argumentative essay on animal testing. This will make the paper logical and thought-out. The assignment will look professional and allow readers to follow your ideas without losing focus on the subject. Avoid using slang and jokes because this is a serious topic that requires you to be a professional. A top-notch essay should not include idiomatic expressions and slang. It worsens the assignment and does not do you well. Use formal language to show your respect for the audience. How to choose the right topic to make an essay sound spectacular? When you start writing animal testing argumentative essay, it is important to choose the topic that you have a good understanding of. The animal testing subject raises a lot of questions. Review the list of topics that can help you to describe the issue as well as possible and propose your solutions to a problem. Hopefully, you will come up with some interesting ideas that will make the reader agree with you. Why are medical tests on animals important? Why is cosmetics more important than animal lives? Do animal feelings get affected during testing? What sort of animals can be used for testing? Do people have to refuse taking drugs to save animal lives? Order a custom argumentative essay on the topic online Writing an argumentative essay for the first time can be a challenging task. Animal testing is not an ordinary subject. Therefore, it requires deep research, finding facts, and the ability to contradict them and prove that your own idea has the right to be heard and taken into consideration. By ordering a custom essay on this complicated issue, a student has a chance to learn how to write an argumentative essay on animal testing and get a high grade. Professional writing assistance is the key to learn how to create various types of college papers and succeed.

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