Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gender Equality And Gender Norms Essay - 1573 Words

In recent times, it has become much more common and socially acceptable for parents to raise their children in gender neutral ways. As queer rights, feminist movements, and gender equality take on a greater social relevance, many caregivers no longer expect their children to behave stereotypically â€Å"masculine† or â€Å"feminine;† children may even be praised for going beyond their gendered expectations (e.g., boys who can cook well or girls who are fit and athletic). Raising your kids without expecting them to conform to gender norms may allow them to develop a broad potential in many areas, rather than only allowing them to explore activities that are appropriate for their traditional gender roles. For example, if you are raising a girl, she may have the potential to become both a great mechanic and a talented dancer if you do not narrow her choices down to only those that are gender conforming. However, this choice in parenting may come with some unexpected issue s and consequences -- ones that are as of yet unforeseen. Socialization takes place beyond just the home environment. Children’s personalities are also shaped by their experiences at school, in public areas (e.g., shopping malls, adventure parks, etc.), at their friends’ houses, at day care centers, and in many other social environments. Even if you do a good job staying away from normative gender expectations at home, you cannot manipulate every other factor that plays into your child’s development. In addition,Show MoreRelatedFeminist Theory Of Feminism1697 Words   |  7 Pageslonger a surprise that gender equality continues to be a problem in our society. Although all feminists agree that it is a prominent issue, they have different ways of combating it. 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