Thursday, October 31, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Change Management - Essay Example In whichever respect, any process of change should always be planned so that its implications are taken into account and the concerned parties be able to adapt. The survival of any organization depends on its ability to adapt to the various environmental changes. Most of these strategies are either reactive or proactive thereby making the process of change a source of many challenges (Schiesser, 2008). Various situations will normally create the need for change. Technological changes realized in operations will normally force organizations to adapt to new procedures which might be costly or untimely. In the same vein, changes in management of the organizations will always demand the adoption of new ways of operations not previously experienced. Nevertheless, whichever the cause of change, certain considerations should always be taken into account to ensure that the change process benefits the organization and is accepted by all the stakeholders. Conventional wisdom confirms that change is normal and healthy and should therefore be pursued by anybody aspiring to advance in life. On the contrary, human beings are always haters of change. In organizational situations, any form of change is normally viewed very suspiciously since people are always on the watch to safeguard their positions and maintain the status quo. However, this attitude can effectively be reversed if the managers c learly familiarize the employees on the importance, implications and the strategies in place with regard to the proposed change. Leaders have the solemn responsibility to ensure that any organizational change becomes successful and is accepted by all the employees. Most of the complications arise out of the simple mistakes that the managers make in the process of managing change. At the center of change management, is the process of communication. Stakeholders deserve the right

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