Thursday, October 31, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Change Management - Essay Example In whichever respect, any process of change should always be planned so that its implications are taken into account and the concerned parties be able to adapt. The survival of any organization depends on its ability to adapt to the various environmental changes. Most of these strategies are either reactive or proactive thereby making the process of change a source of many challenges (Schiesser, 2008). Various situations will normally create the need for change. Technological changes realized in operations will normally force organizations to adapt to new procedures which might be costly or untimely. In the same vein, changes in management of the organizations will always demand the adoption of new ways of operations not previously experienced. Nevertheless, whichever the cause of change, certain considerations should always be taken into account to ensure that the change process benefits the organization and is accepted by all the stakeholders. Conventional wisdom confirms that change is normal and healthy and should therefore be pursued by anybody aspiring to advance in life. On the contrary, human beings are always haters of change. In organizational situations, any form of change is normally viewed very suspiciously since people are always on the watch to safeguard their positions and maintain the status quo. However, this attitude can effectively be reversed if the managers c learly familiarize the employees on the importance, implications and the strategies in place with regard to the proposed change. Leaders have the solemn responsibility to ensure that any organizational change becomes successful and is accepted by all the employees. Most of the complications arise out of the simple mistakes that the managers make in the process of managing change. At the center of change management, is the process of communication. Stakeholders deserve the right

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Beauty Myth- How Media & Beauty today Impacts Women Essay

Beauty Myth- How Media & Beauty today Impacts Women - Essay Example Halliwell, E., Malson, H., & Tischner, I. (2011). Are Contemporary Media Images Which Seem to Display Women as Sexually Empowered Actually Harmful to Women?.  Psychology of Women Quarterly,  35(1), 38-45. [Accessed 17 March 2014] The article assesses the way women have been previously depicted as passive sex objects to present times when they are representatives of sex and are sexually powerful and in control due to their looks. This has been found to have an adverse effect on the body images of women and research that was carried out by the authors of this article found that the current depiction of beauty by the media has led to increased self objectification and weight concern. Acevedo, C. R., Nohara, J. J., Arruda, A. L., Tamashiro, H. R., & Brashear, T. (2011). How women are depicted in ads? A content analysis study with Brazilian advertisements.  International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER),5(10). [Accessed 17 March 2014] The aim of this article was to analyze the roles that were occupied by women in TV advertisements. The aim was to determine the message spread to society about women and how this has changed over the years. The study analyzed 95 pieces and derived upon the conclusion that women’s images have changes however, they continue to be idealized and stereotyped, which also extends to social settings. This article is done based on a study that was performed by Dove and indicates that women gain their perception of beauty from what they see on social media. This article suggests that beauty is no longer largely influenced by fashion magazines or TV shows, but rather social sites like Instagram or Facebook through images of different appearances via â€Å"selfies† and other viral trends. The article illustrates the health impacts that are implemented by the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tourism management in a coastal tourism destination

Tourism management in a coastal tourism destination This essay considers tourism management in a coastal tourism destination Indians smallest state Goa. Study critically assesses coastal tourism definitions, tourism background, review of current trends, policies, management issues with recommendations and future concerns. According to many coastal tourism definitions, it might be concluded that sun, sand and sea are one of the most significant types of holiday in the world, provides an important commercial sector of the tourism industry, but with some possibility of negative environmental and socio-cultural impacts. As Page and Connel (2006) stated, the meeting of land and sea creates biologically and geologically diverse environments and unique landscapes which may form the basic for tourism. Works of Nowak (2007) and Gormsen (1997), similarly defined coastal tourism and agreed that the coastal zones and its natural environment play a major role in attracting tourists, offering the best opportunities for leisure, physical activities and pleasure for all age and social groups which applies to the beaches of all continents. Coastal tourism definitions also analysed impacts of tourism at the coast from different perspectives including change of socio-economic and settlement patterns, cultural impacts on the local population and its environmental impacts. J. Page (2005), who defined coastal tourism as site for pleasure, and place for spiritual fulfilment also pointed out that inappropriate tourism development in coastal areas can cause erosion, salination of fresh ground water sources, sewage outfall into shallow waters, environmental degradation, pollution, destruction of habitats and ecosystems, loss of coastal and marine resources and impacts on ground water. On other hand, Marsden (1999) considered seaside tourism as tourism of significant economic and social value and the potential for resorts to contribute to rejuvenating neighbouring areas through employment, leisure and business opportunities which should be exploited. All definitions mentioned positive and negative effects on the regional and national economies, local culture, physical infrastructure and environment. It is therefore essential that local governments issue the relevant laws and set up the methods for efficient control of all the activities made by investors, tour operators and other private and official actors at all stages of tourism. If all the participants collaborate efficiently in general understanding of sustainable development, then tourism at coastal resorts may provide most of positive contributions to the future of coastal areas with less negative effects. Goa has been formed in 3rd century BC and after its rich history it was released to India in 1961. Since 1987 it became a proper state with its own official state language, Konkani. Catholicism and certain Mediterranean customs have been brought by Portuguese colonialism in sixteenth century. Because of its background and history it is multi-lingual and multi religion country with most Goans identify much more with Goa than with Indian subcontinent (Saldanha, 2002). Contemporary change in Goa is very much connected to tourism. Goa first came to the attention of the international tourist ‘community during the 1960s and 1970s when the states palm-fringed beaches became a haven for Western hippie travellers. Odzer (1995) observed that few other types of foreign tourists visited the state in large numbers during this period. Indian government began to consider more seriously the possible economic benefits of promoting international tourism and by 1986 had decided to exploit Goa for the purposes of charter tourism. National Tourism Action Plan of 1992 as part of the Indian economys liberalization placed increasing emphasis on the demand-centred model of international tourism, particularly luxury tourism. The Indian Government designated the 1990s as the ‘Decade of Tourism, and tourism currently dominates the discourse of development within the state of Goa (Routledge, 2001). From 24 charter flights during the 1985-86 season, number increa sed to 758 flights in 2007-2008 season to Daboli, Goas international airport (Department of Tourism, 2009). Tourism in Goa today is one of the major economic activities with multiplier effect which percolates to the local community. Because of its natural scenic beauty, 105km long coast, straight beaches, very hot weather, picturesque villages, its culture, temples, monuments, Goa has a positive tourism profile. The most comprehensive beach resort in India, Goas coastline provides endless sun drenched crescents of sand. Vagator, Anjuna, Baga, Calangute and Candolim beaches stretch out in an unbroken palm fringed line offering facilities for parasailing, yachting, windsurfing, and deep sea diving. There are 29 beaches in Goa, many churches from 16th centuries, temples more than 500 year old, religious centres, science spots, wild lives and other attractions for tourists (Know India, 2009). Goa mostly attracts domestic tourists but also some foreign markets, mainly Britain. In 2008 according to Department of Tourism (2009), Goa was visited by 80% of domestic tourists, by a total number of 2,371,539 tourists; over 388.000 were foreigners from which 41% were British, 8% Russians, 6% Germany followed by tourists from Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, USA, Australia and others. International charter tourists accounted for almost 50% of whole international arrivals. And where does Goas tourism rank within whole India? Tourism Statistics (Ministry of Tourism, 2008) shows that Goa is one of the most popular coastal destinations in the country. From total international tourist arrivals in India 5.37 million in 2008, was more than 7% to Goas beaches, even when Goas state population accounts for only less then 0.14% of population of whole country. Average duration of stay for foreigners is 9 days and for domestic tourists 5 days. The growth of charter and luxury tourism in Goa has progressively more concerned investments from transnational corporations. As Menezes and Lobo (1991) noted, most of Goas major hotels have some financial or marketing connections with foreign capital. For example Lufthansa (Germany), Club Mediteranee ´ (France), Intasun (UK), and Hyatt Regency and Ramada (both USA) are all involved in international charter flights holiday tie-ups with Goan hotels. Goa shows significant tourism accommodation availability, however, from the tourist statistics (Department of Tourism, 2009) almost 70% of all rooms do not qualify for even a 1 star rating and are in very poor quality. There are more than 2500 guest houses with number of beds over 4200 to serve tourists, while there are only 83 starred hotels but with almost 12000 beds from which 47% bed capacity are 4 or 5 starred hotels. With new investments in 4 and 5 star hotels the tourism industry in Goa has evolved into a curious mix of low-budget tourism and up-market development, a mix that is according to Wilson (1997) marked with tensions and potential conflicts over the appropriation of resources. More than 90% of domestic tourists and 99% of the international Goas tourists stay at the coastal resorts. Thus, beach tourism is the only type that is keenly encouraged by policymakers. There are different markets which have different motivations to visit the state. The first is the domestic tourists market, who comes in search of the culture that is different from the rest of India. The second is the international tourists market, who visits Goa purely for the natural environment, sun and beaches. Within the category of international tourists, there are two sub-categories, which both visit Goa for its beaches but stay away from each other. Backpackers prefer to mix and live with the local communities, whereas the charter tourists tend to stay in the luxury starred hotels. Domestic and international tourists also differ in terms of the areas they frequent. For the domestic tourist, the beaches hold limited appeal, so they remain away from the places frequented by the international t ourists (Sawkar et al, 1998). As a growing activity at global, national and local levels, tourism needs to be managed in a sustainable and balanced manner. J. Page (2005) examined some basic principles for managing such a destination. He believes that planning, organising, leading and controlling are the most important elements. The management of coastal tourism is complex because the tourism industry is not a homogenous sector or segment of the economy. It is made up of various organisations that are directly or indirectly involved in tourism. The public sector should intervene to ensure that business objectives are balanced with local needs and stakeholder interests are in relation with the tourism utilities, such as beaches, attractions, infrastructure and overall environment. The public sector is though responsible for trying to liaise, plan and manage the diverse group of interests that are associated with tourism. According to WTTC (2003) it is within governments power to unlock the industrys potential to c reate jobs and generate prosperity. Within a structure of co-operation federalism, India has three tiers of government. Central government is the first tier, the second is State government and the third is the village level within the state, known as the ‘panchayat system. Administratively the Goa is organised into two districts,North Goa and South Goa, all together Goa has 189 panchayats. The nodal agency for the formulation of national and state government agencies and the private sector development of tourism is the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. It is responsible for coordination and supplementation of activities of various Central government Agencies and State governments, catalysing private investments and for the development and promotion of tourism in India.It is also in charge of public sector undertaking, the India Tourism Development Corporation, Ltd, and autonomous institutions like Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technol ogy, National Institute of Water Sports etc. Functions of the Ministry consist of the development policies, incentives, external assistance, manpower development, investment facilitation, planning, regulation, infrastructure development, human resource development, marketing strategies and many others (Government of India, 2009). Development activities are co-ordinated by the respective Ministries. Two main nodal bodies for decision making in terms of potential or actual impacts of activities in coastal areas and the seas or oceans are the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Department of Ocean Development. At the local level, responsible for coastal tourism are State governments, District Administration, Local Bodies and Councils. At the Goa itself, it is Department of Tourism which is responsible for tourism policy and its role is to ensure planned and controlled development of tourism in Goa. The government endeavours to provide appropriate package through progressive fiscal and taxation policies, develop tourism as a non-invasive instrument of revitalization, conservation and growth, entrust regulatory measures to ensure social, cultural and environmental sustainability and involvement of local community. The Coastal Zone Regulation notification in 1991 invited the governments of Indias coastal states and union territories to prepare Coastal Zone Management Plans for their respective areas (Noronha, 2004). These zones regulate development and construction in the coastal regions. The main objectives of Coastal Zone Management are to encourage sustainable use of environment, identify and resolve conflicts, balance economic and environmental objectives and adopt strategic planning. An important provision under these laws limits the nature and development of land that is located close to the sea. Goa as a coastal state has the responsibility to identify the zones and prepare management plans within which all future coastal development is to take place. Government of India, Ministry of Tourism (2005) published Best Practises adopted by the State governments with good examples of how can supervision manage tourism industry. An example from Goa can be the reduction or abolition of luxury tax helps lowering rates. That means more tourists would be attracted to the destination and this could give competitive advantage to the state, as benefits will go to the customers. In order to help cinema theatres to make them financially viable, the Goa government has reduced the entertainment tax from 60 to 40 percent. A complementary reduction on taxes by the Goa Government on water tariff by 22% is noble scheme to attract tourists as well. Goa set up Tourist Police exclusively for providing safety and security to the tourists in frequent areas. Despite these few examples of good practise there is still large scale to provide more benefits for local people in Goa by tourism industry and government should prepare adequate policies for coastal tour ism to help locals to get involved with tourism. Locals should be at the first place in considering about development of tourism and they should intervene in decision process making of tourism policies. The impacts of coastal tourism in Goa have been the subject of discussion amongst academics, researchers and activist groups. Goas tourism has so far concentrated mainly on the coast. Work of Wilson (1997) considered some impacts of tourism in Goa. The growth of coastal tourism has been fast and uncontrolled. The principles of sustainability and the norms related to the conservation of the environment and ecology were generally ignored. There has been unclear firm policy relating to tourism and the policy initiatives have not been introduced attentive to local concerns. This could lead to major changes in land use, shortages of resources, such as land and water, and damage to coastal aquifers, the sand dune system, and mangrove vegetation. It is clear that there is much to be learned about the impacts of tourism in Goa, and that further planning and development requires information gaps to be filled. According to Noronha (2004) almost all difficulties fall into three major domains of coastal policy problems. Those that relate to resource use conflicts, those that relate to resource depletion and those that relate to pollution or resource degradation. It is evident that Goa is facing all these types of policy complications. William (1998) demonstrated that coastal tourism in Goa has resulted in a spatial concentration of buildings in some coastal areas leading to a heavy demand for resources in these places. Another issue observed by Wilson (1997) is the amount of solid waste which is generated and the need for land to cope with the disposal of this waste. With these matters, policy-making should take sufficient note, to make it a case for systematic addressing. There is no clear and specific coastal focus for its development policies in India. Sawkar et al (1998) observed that the current policies and relaxed enforcement have led to the haphazard and uncontrolled growth of townships. Places like Calangute and Candolim in Bardez and Colva in Salcete have become over commercialized and disorganized in their development pattern. Developments along the coasts of Goa and the future plans for it reveals that these follow the ideas submitted in the Coastal Zone Management plan of Goa rather than its Regional Development plan. These areas have a number of unauthorized constructions, which have paid little heed to local planning rules, infrastructural supports or aesthetics. There are also signs of over investment which is spreading a price war. ‘Lots of international people come and because it is small and beautiful they try to invest money and buy huge tracts of land. Locals feel that our land is being sold, said the chief minister of the Go an (Pirie, 2008). Nowadays there are steps from government to reinterpret existing property legislation to deter foreigners from buying property. There has been little effort made in Goa to adhere to the regional plans of creating other types of tourism than beach tourism. That means tourists are almost exclusively accommodated along 105km stretch of the coastline which can impact coastal environment far more quickly than if tourists are spread upcountry. Governments in India prepare Five Year Plans which play an important role in states model of economic development. These plans provide the overall direction and framework for policies, programmes and schemes for the Ministries and Departments. Eleventh Five Year Plan for years 2007-2012, prepared by Directorate of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation (2007), contains some interesting ideas. Goa is being treasure of heritage and has immense potential for growth of heritage tourism activities. The government has introduced ‘Heritage house scheme towards promoting heritage tourism. For this purpose, financial assistance in the form of loans and grants is proposed to be given to the owners of the heritage houses for their maintenance and restoration. Another example is that the Goa has beautiful forests and eco-tourism plans which are being implemented through the budget of Forest Department. This project envisages development of an eco-tourism circuit consisting of Bondla, Cotigao wild life sanctuaries and Mollem national park. This is illustration of cooperation between different governmental departments on the state level which can bring more effective results in terms of sustainable and planned development. Another example could be promoting of discovery and adventure tourism which can attract different market of tourists whether domestic or international. Currently 80% of all tourists visiting Goa are domestic tourists yet most of promotional budget is spent on trying to attract foreign tourists. Since Goa is well established tourism destination, it should try to redirect budget allocation. If one years advertising budget is used to clean up Goas beaches and provide needed infrastructure in those areas it would earn more goodwill for Goa and attract more tourists than any advertising budget would be able to deliver. There is also need to shift away from charter tourism. It is important to increase tourism revenues by moving Goa up-market. Nowadays, charter tourists pay a very low price for the whole tour in their home countries. So they spend very little in Goa itself. The current focus on beach tourism should be diversified to include other areas, like adventure and eco-tourism, medical tourism, hosting conventions, conferences and so forth. The analysis of the development of tourism destination is one of the main topics of tourism research. Over a long period of time, tourism products go through an evolutionary process. Butler (1980) put forward the concept of the tourism area life cycle TALC. The model depicted resorts moving from the initial stage of being found, through the involvement and development stages to a stagnation stage, beyond which there are number of options possible from decline to rejuvenation. This can be seen in appendix A. Goas visitor numbers were continuously increasing, however last season in 2008 there was a decrease of tourists because of global economic recession, there is estimated increase in tourist number in 2009 season (Navhind Times, 2009). In appendix B is illustrated how Goa can be linked to TALC model with further explanation. It is still developing tourism destination with some future developments announced by government in last Five Years Plan (Directorate of Planning, Statistics a nd Evaluation 2007). Goa could still attract a bigger number and different segments of tourists. For example two marinas have been located one in North and another one in South Goa to be build in near future with facilities for pleasure yachts. There is a plan to build two international-size golf courses, also one in each district of Goa. The government has decided to locate new international airport for transporting cargo and passengers at Mopa, which would be particularly attractive for tourists who will be easily linked to coastal resorts. These developments should give Goa competitive advantage as a coastal tourist destination, but there is need for monitoring and management system which would ensure the effectiveness of coastal and environmental regulations. Goa also needs a systematic study of the environmental impacts of tourism, which could be done through a life cycle analysis, and the valuation of the environment to enable its integration into decision-making. Goa still r equires policies for coastal tourism which recognise the type of interconnections among tourism, local communities and the environment, to ensure that tourism contributes to a sustainable development agenda.

Friday, October 25, 2019

New Urbanism Essay -- Suburban Developement Planning Essays

New Urbanism New Urbanism, a burgeoning genre of architecture and city planning, is a movement that has come about only in the past decade. This movement is a response to the proliferation of conventional suburban development (CSD), the most popular form of suburban expansion that has taken place since World War II. Wrote Robert Steuteville, "Lacking a town center or pedestrian scale, CSD spreads out to consume large areas of countryside even as population grows relatively slowly. Automobile use per capita has soared, because a motor vehicle is required for nearly all human transportation"1. New Urbanism, therefore, represents the converse of this planning ideology. It stresses traditional planning, including multi-purpose zoning, accessible public space, narrow street grids for easy pedestrian usage and better placement of community buildings. Only a few hundred American communities are utilizing this method of planning, but the impact is quickly growing in an infant field dominated by a few inf luential architects and engineers. Perhaps the most well known pioneers of New Urbanism are Andrà ©s Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck of Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company (DPZ), a wildly successful architectural firm boasting three offices across the eastern seaboard.2 Although the company was founded in 1980, it gained national recognition for its design of Seaside, Florida in 19892. Seaside, a beautiful coordination of simple Floridian cottage design along the white beaches of northwest Florida became a model for building pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods and integrating communities by enforcing a strict uniform building code, utilizing sensible and aesthetic planning methods (for instance, every street extends to the... ...sterplan." 8 Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company. "St. Louis." 9 Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company. "Hillsborough."  · Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company. "San Juan Bautista. (Architecture)" 10 Rohn, David. "Chesterton, Ind., Development Project Incorporates Environmental Concerns." Indianapolis Star. July 30, 2001. 11 Coffee Creek Center. "Ecology."  · Coffee Creek Center. "Design Code Book." 12 Miller, Jason. "New Towns - Issaquah Highlands, Washington." The Town Paper. 5/issaquah_highlands.htm 13 Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company. "Oakhurst. (Suburban Retrofits)"

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Describing Language And Language Skills Education Essay

Teaching is a multidimensional activity that involves societal, educational, pedagogical, linguistics, personal, and cognitive dimensions. In the last 20 fiveyears, in general instruction the cognitive dimension of instruction has been recognizedas cardinal to successful instruction. The last decennary has witnessed steady growing in thestudy of instructors ‘ knowledge. Research workers have paid more attending to the survey of instructors ‘ belief about instruction, acquisition, scholars, and the impact it has on learning patterns, activities, and larning results ( Tillman, 2000 ; Shavelson, and Stern,1981 ; Burns, 1992 ; Eisenhart et. al. , 1998 ; Fang, 1996 ; Richardson, 1996 ; Kagan,1992 ; Reynold, 1992 ) . Research into instructors ‘ knowledge has non been restricted toone or few specific subjects or content countries. The impact of instructors beliefs on their instruction is being studied across subjects and educational scene every bit diverse as general instruction, mathematics ( Ernest 1989 ; Shuck 1997 ; Karaagac and Threlfall ; Raymond, 1997 ) , second/ foreign linguistic communication acquisition, ( Farrell, and Patricia,2005 ) , reading ( Beach, 1994 ) , and chemical science ( Brisco, 1991 ) . It has been studied in pre-service and in-service contexts, different educational degrees: kindergarten, simple schools, high schools and grownup instruction. During 1980s and the old ages after, research workers investigated a figure of different facets and dimensions of instructors ‘ knowledge. The chief focal point was on analyzing the manner instructors think about their ain work, their mental procedures in planning and transporting out their instructions, the sort of determinations made in the class of instruction, and how these beliefs may alter over clip. Some of the research countries in teachers'cognition include analyzing instructors ‘ knowledge in general and how they construct their constructs and theories of instruction ( Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 1988 ; Leinhardt,1990 ) , instructors ‘ apprehension of the instruction procedure ( Peterson & A ; Comeaux,1987 ) , instructors ‘ belief about instruction, pupils, instructors, and the acquisition procedure every bit good as their ain efficaciousness in bring oning alteration in their pupils ( Hollingsworth, 1989 ; Kagan & A ; Tippins, 1991 ; Tamir, 1991 ) . A nother country of research in instructors ‘ belief is analyzing the instructional ideas, actions, and determination devising in the schoolroom ( Fogarty, Wang, & A ; Creek, 1983 ; Magliaro & A ; Borko, 1986 ) . Changes in teachers'beliefs that occur as a consequence of professional growing and instruction experiences have besides been examined ( Bullough, 1991 ; Calderhead, 1991 ) . Teachers ‘ beliefs are non easy to specify. Nor are they easy to operationalize and analyze. Kagan ( 1992 ) views them as tacitly held premises and perceptual experiences about instruction and acquisition. Pajares ( 1992 ) and Richardson ( 1996 ) view them as personal concepts of instructors that can assist understand their determinations and instruction patterns. The belief system consists of the information, attitudes, values, theories, and premises about instruction, acquisition, scholars, and other facets of instruction. Some of these beliefs are rather general while some are really specific. Harmonizing to Johnson ( 1994 ) instructors ‘ beliefs influence their judgement and perceptual experience, the schoolroom activities they use, and it can lend to the betterment of learning patterns and teacher instruction plans. The belief system is argued to function as a base for the activities and patterns instructors use in the schoolroom. It guides instructors in the class of the patterns they have in the schoolroom. Hampton ( 1994 ) contends that instructors ‘ beliefs can find the manner they approach their instruction. In brief, research findings show that instructors have complex thought and reading of instruction and the context upon which they reflect, decide, and act was a broad and rich mental context ( Elbaz, 1983 ; Clandinin, 1986 ) . There are different ways instructors may develop their beliefs. It can be socially constructed as a consequence of their ain personal experiences and influences of the scenes in which they work. Teachers ‘ beliefs are built up over clip. They are derived from instructors ‘ preparation plans, pre-service plans, and prior acquisition and instruction experiences. Brog ( 2003 ) and Richards, Gallo and Renandya ( 2001 ) argue that instructors ‘ beliefs are derived from their anterior experiences, school patterns, educational theory, reading, their single personalities, and a figure of other beginnings. Eisentein-Ebsworth and Schweers ( 1997 ) see instructors ‘ positions shaped by pupils ‘ wants, syllabus outlooks, and anterior experiences. This cognition may alter over clip as instructors interact with pupils and acquire feedback from them. Following the involvement in general instruction and teacher instruction in teachers'cognition, research workers in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition took the thought and started to analyze linguistic communication instructors ‘ pedagogical beliefs in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition ( Breen,1991 ; Cumming, 1993 ; Freeman & A ; Richards ; 1996 ; Johnson, 1994 ; Richards, 1998 ; Richards & A ; Nunan, 1990 ; Woods, 1996 ) .Teachers ‘ belief is now viewed as a complex cognitive activity ( Farrell and Patricia, 2005 ; Brog, 2003a, 2003b. ; Mitchel and Hooper, 1992 ; Johnston, and Goettsch, 2000 ) . Research into instructors ‘ knowledge has both provided good penetrations into instructors ‘ knowledge at the same clip raised more inquiries about several issues of instructors ‘ beliefs. A more specific facet of instructors ‘ knowledge in linguistic communication instruction is instructors ‘ beliefs about grammar and different facets of grammar instruction. Some of the inquiries that have non been yet answered include how much clip should be devoted to grammar? What grammatical points should be taught? How should grammatical points be sequenced? What activities are more appropriate for different contexts? Grammar has a contested nature and its instruction and acquisition has seendifferent yearss. Grammar instruction has ever created uncertainnesss and raised complex and challenging pedagogical, lingual and curricular issues. With the outgrowth of a new method or theory grammar becomes the centre of attending and with the death of the theory or pattern it would be wholly abandoned. For times grammar was cardinal to category activities and at times it was overlooked. With such fluctuation it is non hard to conceive of linguistic communication instructors develop different positions on grammar in the procedures of going a instructor. In the late 1980s forsaking of focal point on signifier was advocated by communicative motion. In the last decennary the issue of focal point on signifier has been a hot subject and raised many inquiries and challenges to applied linguists and linguistic communication instructors. There have been a figure of surveies on instructors ‘ beliefs about grammar and grammar instruction. Ng & A ; Farrell ( 2003 ) and Yim ( 1993 ) investigated the extent to which instructors ‘ theoretical beliefs influenced their schoolroom grammatical patterns, and found grounds to propose that what instructors say and do in the schoolroom are governed by their beliefs. Farrell ( 1999 ) examined the belief system of pre-service instructors of English grammar in footings of its influence on instruction pattern, and found grounds to propose that these beliefs may be immune to alter. Similarly, Richards, Gallo, and Renandya ( 2001 ) examined the beliefs of a group of in-service class instructors about grammar. The consequences showed that many instructors followed a communicative attack to instruction, while some of the respondents stated that they had house belief in the importance of direct grammar instruction in linguistic communication learning.They besides stated that th eir EFL/ESL pupils asked for grammar instruction. Research into the impact of formal grammar instruction has covered several facets of grammar instruction. These include inductive versus deductive approached to the instruction of grammar ( Shaffer, 1989 ; Dekeyser, 1995 ) , feedback and rectification of mistakes ( Chaudron, 1977 ; Dekeyser, 1993 ) , usage of grammar nomenclature in grammar instruction ( Berman, 1979 ; Garrett, 1986 ) , and impact of grammar pattern on L2 acquisition ( Ellis, 1991 ; Johnson, 1994 ) . In malice of big volume of research in this country consequences are inconclusive and as Borg ( 1999 ) discusses our apprehension of the procedures of grammar instruction as perceived by linguistic communication instructors has still a long manner to travel.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Landscape Architecture

BUILD ENVIRONMENT The term built environment refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply, or energy networks. The built environment is a material, spatial and cultural product of human labor that combines physical elements and energy in forms for living, working and playing. It has been defined as â€Å"the human-made space in which people live, work, and recreate on a day-to-day basis†.The â€Å"built environment encompasses places and spaces created or modified by people including buildings, parks, and transportation systems†. In recent years, public health research has expanded the definition of â€Å"built environment† to include healthy food access, community gardens, â€Å"walkabilty†, and â€Å"bikability†. Early concepts of built environments w ere introduced thousands of years ago. Hippodamus of Miletos, known as the â€Å"father of urban planning†, developed Greek cities from 498 BC to 408 BC that created order by using grid plans that mapped the city.These early city plans eventually gave way to the City Beautiful movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s, inspired by Daniel Hudson Burnham, a reformist for the Progressivism movement who actively promoted â€Å"a reform of the landscape in tandem with political change†. The effort was in partnership with others who believed that beautifying American cities would improve the moral compass of the cities and encourage the upper class to spend their money in cities. This beautification process included parks and architectural design. Modern built environmentCurrently built environments are typically used to describe the interdisciplinary field that addresses the design, construction, management, and use of these man-made surroundings as an interrelated whole a s well as their relationship to human activities over time (rather than a particular element in isolation or at a single moment in time). The field is generally not regarded as a traditional profession or academic discipline in its own right, instead drawing upon areas such as economics, law, public policy, public health, management, geography, design, technology, and environmental sustainability.Within the field of public health, built environments are referred to as building or renovating areas in an effort to improve the community’s well-being through construction of â€Å"aesthetically, health improved, and environmentally improved landscapes and living structures†. Urban planning The term â€Å"urban planning† indicates that much of the environment we inhabit is man-made and that these artificial surroundings are so extensive and cohesive that with regards to the consumption of resources, waste disposal, and productive enterprise, they are similar to organi sms.Public health In public health, built environments refer to physical environments that are designed with health and wellness as integral parts of the communities. Research has indicated that how neighborhoods are created can affect both the physical activity and mental health of the communities’ residents. Studies have shown that built environments that were expressly designed to improve physical activity are linked to higher rates of physical activity, which in turn, positively affects health.Neighborhoods with more walkability had lower rates of obesity as well as increased physical activity among its residents. They also had lower rates of depression, higher social capital, and less alcohol abuse. Walkability features in these neighborhoods include safety, sidewalk construction, as well as destinations in which to walk. In addition, the perception of a walkable neighborhood, one that is perceived to have good sidewalks and connectivity, is correlated with higher rates of physical activity. Assessments of walkability have been completed through the use of GIS programs.One such program, Street Smart Walk Score, is a walkability assessment tool which determines distances to grocery stores and other amenities, as well as connectivity and intersection frequency using specific addresses. Assessments such as Street Smart Walk Score can be utilized by city and county planning departments to improve existing walkability of communities. Public health also addresses additional components of built environments including â€Å"bikeability† and healthy food access such as proximity to grocery stores and community gardens.Bikeability refers to the access that an area has granted to safe biking through multiple bike paths and bike lanes. Both walkability and bikeability have been cited as determinants of physical activity. Access to healthy food is also an important component to the built environment. A higher density of convenience stores has been associ ated with obesity in children. In contrast, improved access to community supermarkets and farmer’s markets is correlated with lower overweight status. Specifically in low income neighborhoods, the presence of a local grocery store is correlated with lower BMI/overweight risk.Community gardens are also considered a part of the built environment, and have been shown to increase fruit and vegetable intake among gardeners. Scholars say that community gardens have also been shown to have positive social and psychological impacts that lead to lower levels of stress, hypertension, and an improved sense of wellness, affecting the overall health of the individual and the community. The intersection of public health with other disciplines is evident in the design process of built environments which includes environmental planning, policy development and land-use planning.Research suggests that people are more active in mixed-use communities or those that incorporate retail and resident ial and densely populated areas as well as those with good street connectivity. Those who preferred to walk and live in walkable environments often have lower obesity rates and drive less over those who preferred living in auto-dependent environments. The strength of the evidence for reducing obesity through environment has been highlighted by the Center for Disease Control in its Common Community Measures for Obesity Prevention Project, which includes measures of healthy food access and physical activity environments.Landscape architecture In landscape architecture, the built environment is understood to mean a human-made landscape, as distinguished from the natural environment; for example, a city park is a built environment. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally[->0] on Earth[->1] or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species. The concept of the natural env ironment can be distinguished by components: Complete ecological[->2] units that function as natural[->3] systems without massive human[->4] intervention, including all vegetation[->5], microorganisms[->6], soil[->7], rocks[->8], atmosphere[->9], and natural phenomena[->10] that occur within their boundaries.  §Universal natural resources[->11] and physical phenomena[->12] that lack clear-cut boundaries, such as air[->13], water[->14], and climate[->15], as well as energy[->16], radiation[->17], electric charge[->18], and magnetism[->19], not originating from human activity.The natural environment is contrasted with the built environment[->20], which comprises the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans. A geographical area is regarded as a natural environment. It is difficult to find absolutely natural environments, and it is common that the naturalness varies in a continuum, from ideally 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.If, for instance, we take an agricultural field, and consider the mineralogic composition[->21] and the structure[->22] of its soil, we will find that whereas the first is quite similar to that of an undisturbed forest soil, the structure is quite different. Natural environment is often used as a synonym for habitat[->23]. For instance, when we say that the natural environment of giraffes is the savanna[->24]. PLANT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS The â€Å"Typical† Plant Body The Root System (Usually underground)  §Anchor the plant in the soil  §Absorb water and nutrients  §Conduct water and nutrients Food Storage The Shoot System (Usually above grounds)  §Elevates the plant above the soil  §Many functions including:  §photosynthesis  §reproduction & dispersal  §food and water conduction TYPE OF PLANTS Cacti (Cactus) Cactus plants are well ad apted to hot and dry weather by storing water in their succulent stems. They are also known for their spines, for which they are famous. Flowers Flowers are the reproductive part of angiosperms, also known as flowering plants. Herbs Herbs are used for culinary, medicinal and spiritual uses. In cuisine, the leaves of the herb are normally the only part used.All parts of herbs are used in various medical or spiritual practices. Shrubs and Bushes Usually under 6 m tall, shrubs and bushes are categorized as woody plants. Shrubs have multiple stems and many are covered with flowers of all shapes and sizes. Trees Trees are everywhere in the world. Trees are tall, large and some are very old. Trees are important in fighting soil erosion and responsible for the clean oxygen we breathe. Vegetables The term ‘vegetable' is not actually a scientific classification of a plant, but rather strictly a culinary term.Vegetables are parts of plants (flower buds, seeds, stems, fruits, etc) that a re edible and used in culinary dishes. PLANT Plants, also called green plants (Viridiplantae in Latin), are living organisms of the kingdom Plantae including such multicellular groups as flowering plants, conifers, ferns and mosses, as well as, depending on definition, the green algae, but not red or brown seaweeds like kelp, nor fungi or bacteria. Green plants have cell walls with cellulose and characteristically obtain most of their energy from sunlight via photosynthesis using chlorophyll contained in chloroplasts, which gives them their green color.Some plants are parasitic and may not produce normal amounts of chlorophyll or photosynthesize. Plants are also characterized by sexual reproduction, modular and indeterminate growth, and an alteration of generations, although asexual reproduction is common, and some plants bloom only once while others bear only one bloom. Precise numbers are difficult to determine, but as of 2010, there are thought to be 300–315 thousand speci es of plants, of which the great majority, some 260–290 thousand, are seed plants.Green plants provide most of the world's free oxygen and are the basis of most of the earth's ecologies, especially on land. Plants described as grains, fruits and vegetables form mankind's basic foodstuffs, and have been domesticated for millennia. Plants enrich our lives as flowers and ornaments. Until recently and in great variety they have served as the source of most of our medicines and drugs. Their scientific study is known as botany. [-;0] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nature [-;1] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Earth [-;2] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ecological -;3] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nature [-;4] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human [-;5] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vegetation [-;6] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Microorganisms [-;7] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soil [-;8] – http://en. w ikipedia. org/wiki/Rock_(geology) [-;9] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Atmosphere [-;10] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Natural_phenomenon [-;11] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Natural_resource [-;12] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Physical_phenomena [-;13] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Air -;14] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Water [-;15] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Climate [-;16] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Energy [-;17] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Radiation [-;18] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Electric_charge [-;19] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Magnetism [-;20] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Built_environment [-;21] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mineralogy [-;22] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soil_structure [-;23] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Habitat [-;24] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Savanna