Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Sociology - Essay Example He has been working as an architect with a large construction firm for 10 years now. Just after finishing his degree in architecture, he worked with a series of construction companies and only settled with his current employment about 10 years ago. Finally, the youngest sibling is the lawyer Diane. She is 38 years old, married with one child. She has been working as an associate with a law firm for 10 years. She handles mostly criminal defense cases. She has not worked in any other firm since she finished law school. This paper shall revolve around these three respondents who have worked in formal organizations over an extended period of time. It shall discuss the nature of their work and their work dynamic with their co-workers and in the organization itself. It shall also discuss the similarities and differences in the experiences of these three respondents. This report is being conducted in the hope of improving the interview and analytical skills of this student by relating data gathered with class materials After finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, Karen worked for 3 years as a staff nurse in the surgery ward of a community hospital. After gaining enough experience as a nurse, she applied as an ER nurse in a private tertiary hospital. She worked for 3 years there until an opening in the ICU gave her an opportunity to improve her nursing skills. She has been working as a surgical ICU nurse and has been in that job for 15 years now. She worked as an SICU nurse for 8 years until she was promoted as head nurse. She was a head nurse for 3 years until she was promoted as a nurse supervisor. She has been a nurse supervisor for 4 years running. Karen did not change her career because she has long wanted to be a nurse since she was young. More specifically, she wanted to be an ICU nurse. When she was in her 3rd year in college she worked part time as a caregiver for elderly patients. She worked during her free hours for 4

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Water- soluble vitamin Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Water- soluble vitamin - Coursework Example Development of the bones is also affected and renal stones can also result due to vitamin c toxicity. Answer 2. Thiamin forms an essential component of the metabolic pathways of carbohydrates and it functions actively in the form of thiamin pyrophosphate in the metabolic processes including glycolysis, krebs cycle and the hexose monophosphate shunt. Riboflavin exists in the form of FAD and FMN and assists in energy generation from the carbohydrates, proteins as well as fats via the Krebs cycle as well as the electron transport chain. Niacin functions in the form of NAD and NADP and it is essential for up to two hundred reactions in the human body out of which the major reactions are the dehydrogenase ones. For proteins, it works for their modification following translation and for carbohydrates it assists in the reactions of glycolysis. Vitamin b6 exists mainly as pyridoxal phosphate and its main function is tin the biochemical conversion of one type of amino acid to another one. Answer 3. Beri beri which results due to thiamin deficiency is a serious condition because it affects the major systems of the body including the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. Its results in an increase in heart size and in nervous system issues like convulsions. It also results in reduced tone in the muscles. Pellagra which is a deficiency disorder of niacin is also serious because it is characterized by loss of memory which may be irreversinle as well as severe disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Skin lesions are also present and in extreme cases the patients may die. Answer 4. Vegetarians are most likely to be at risk for the b vitamin deficiency diseases. This is because animal sources contain the b vitamins and only selected plant sources contain all of these vitamins. An example is vitamin b12 which is only present in the animal food sources.   Answer 5. Dementia